Plumpton Notes: Part 3

Index 10. Vine Nutrition 11. Vineyard Floor Management 12. Pest Management in Vineyards

10. Vine Nutrition

10.1 Soil Fertility

Soil is the primary raw material from which all food is produced, and so is the basis of all agriculture.

Agriculture is blessed with a raw material that, with careful husbandry and supplementation of some ingredients, will regenerate itself to be used year after year.

The soil is not a simple inert medium. For plants to grow in it, it must have a characteristic called fertility.

Essential that a good farmer understands the basics of soil science so that he/she can assess & maintain the soil's fertility.

Fertility is a complex feature influenced by the following factors:

10.1.1 Soil Texture

The size of particles that make up soil and their proportions relative to each other.

The particles in soil are graded according to their diameters in the following way: 0 – clay – 0.002 – silt – 0.02 – fine sand – 0.2 – sand – 2 – gravel – 2+ (mm)
Heavy soils: high clay Light soils: high sand

Clay soils retain more moisture than others, as they comprise very small particles: a kilogram of clay will contain a much larger surface area for water adsorption than a kilogram of sand.

Clay soils will also hold more minerals, as the particles are negatively charged.

But clay soils have several disadvantages:

The ideal soil texture is loam, which combines the nutrient-holding features of clay with the good drainage of sand.

Soil textures can be assessed by feel.

10.1.2 Soil Structure

Describes how the soil forms lumps or crumbs

Controls water and air availability to plants and fine-feeding roots' ability to divide within the soil and hence exploit the essential plant nutrient supply.

Influenced by agents such as:

Good soil structure is where the particles form firmly bonded, stable, crumb or granular rounded aggregates 1 – 5 mm in diameter. For this to occur, there must be high to moderate organic matter content (3 – 10%).

Poor soil structure leads to capping, puddling and sieving.

10.1.3 Soil Organic Matter

The raw material consists of plant and animal remains and animal excreta. Broken down in the soil by soil organisms: beetles, mites, earthworms, fungi and bacteria.

These are present in vast numbers in fertile soil; worms can number 2 million per hectare, and microorganisms can weigh 2.5 t/ha.

Organic matter is composed of:

The soil organisms rapidly break down the sugars, starches, nitrogenous compounds and some cellulose. This process is called mineralisation.

The remaining matter is decomposed much more slowly and forms a black or brown mixture called humus.

This humus has several beneficial effects on the soil:

Losses of organic matter from arable soils will be increased by any activity that increases microbial activity, such as cultivations and nitrogen fertiliser applications. Permanent pasture and minimally cultivated soils maintain their organic matter content better than cultivated soils.

10.1.4 Soil Depth

Very important, as it can compensate for low nutrient status and low water-holding capacity. When digging soil profile, look for:

10.1.5 Water and Air in the Soil

Water is essential in the soil as:

Vines need at least 500 mm of available water during the growing season.

Aeration is essential in the soil as:

10.1.6 Soil Nutrients

Soil nutrients are divided into major or minor elements according to the relative quantities plants use.

Major elements:

Element Description
Nitrogen N Major constituent of plant cell proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, & hormones. Second only to water in controlling plant growth.
Phosphorus P Key element in energy fixation. Encourages root growth and the ripening process.
Potassium K Regulates flow of water and sugar in the plant, regulates internal acidity, enzyme activator. Encourages ripening.
Calcium Ca Regulates cell acidity, a component of cell walls.
Sulphur S Essential constituent of some amino acids and enzymes.
Magnesium Mg Essential component of chlorophyll, regulates internal acidity and sugar metabolism. Encourages ripening

Minor or trace elements include Boron, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum, Zinc, Cobalt, Chlorine & Silicon.

A deficiency of any of these elements will lead to serious crop reduction and in some cases will lead to leaf or shoot symptoms.

Carbon ©, Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O) are also essential for plant growth, but these are taken from the air or as water, and so are not considered as soil nutrients.

10.1.7 Soil Acidity

Soil acidity is measured by the pH scale. This measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil solution. A pH value of 4 ~ 7 is acid, pH 7 is neutral, and 7 ~ 8.5 is alkaline.

Acidity has a considerable influence on nutrient availability and soil organisms. Different crops have different pH tolerances.

Soils tend to become more acidic with cultivation due to the release of organic acids on the breakdown of organic material.

10.2 Vine Nutrition

Vineyard nutrition is not an exact science as:

Grapevines can grow and crop satisfactorily in a wide range of soils, but many ignore vine nutrition at their peril!

Need to answer these questions: 1. What are the essential elements for the growth and performance of vines? (See above) 2. How can you measure the need for these? 3. What fertilisers can you use to fulfil this need? 4. How much and when should these be applied?

10.2.1 Determining the Vine’s Nutritional Requirements

Calculating the loss of nutrients from the field Could be simple, but in fact, complicated:

Losses Gains
Uptake by vine
Removal of crop
Return of leaves and prunings
Fixation of Nitrogen from air

Soil analysis Essential before planting and every 2 – 3 years The most crucial part is getting a representative sample:

Nitrogen is not usually measured in soil analysis, as its levels are particularly dependent on seasonal factors such as soil moisture, aeration, temperature and the activity of soil organisms.

Interpretation is not easy, but can use ADAS figures as a rough guide.

Leaf and petiole analysis Remove 100 leaves from the nodes opposite the lower bunches at veraison or full bloom (or both). In dry areas, samples should be taken early in the day (before stress) but not directly after overhead irrigation.

Wash leaves to remove pesticides, dry, and then send off leaves or petioles for analysis.

Useful for:

Unfortunately does not tell you how much to add.

Observing deficiency symptoms Must learn to recognise them, but:

10.2.2 Fertilisers

Straights: containing only 1 plant nutrient Compound: two or more nutrients (more expensive, but more commonly used as easier) Organics: derived directly from fresh or composted plant or animal material.


Phosphorus (P) Can be: Water-soluble: readily available to plants Citrate soluble: slowly available to plants Acid soluble: unavailable, except in acid soils

Potassium (potash)


Calcium Used to correct soil acidity. Measure in CaO units.

Graded according to neutralising values (NV), which is the same as % CaO content. Limestone or chalk (NV50 –55) or dolomite (magnesian limestone NV50 – 55) is used. The finer the lime, the more rapid its reaction. Particles greater than 2 mm are ineffective.

The amount needed will depend on the following: * Actual soil pH & optimum required (6 ~ 7.5 depending on rootstock) * Soil texture (clay soils need more) * Soil organic matter (organic soils need more due to high buffering capacity)

Autumn is the best time to apply. Do not apply rates above 10 tons/ha in a single application

Organics Derived from plant and animal materials



Farmyard manure (FYM)
Cereal straws
Green manuring

A good crop can produce 20 t/ha, which will produce 300 – 600 kg of humus Improvement of OM of soil is short-lived as the crop consists mostly of cellulose, which is rapidly broken down.

Cover crops have other advantages, such as reducing water run-off, facilitating weed control, binding nutrients otherwise lost by leaching, and reducing dust problems.

Can be too much competition with the vine in dry summers.

Foliar fertilisers



Best to apply under conditions in which the droplets remain unevaporated on the leaf surface to allow for penetration.

Best to use high volume applications (over 1000 l/ha) Usually only used for temporary deficiencies as high doses and concentrations will cause scorching

10.2.3 Fertiliser Application


Especially used for slow-migrating minerals like P, K, Ca & Mg, not usual for nitrogen due to the high level of mineralisation of organic matter & high mobility.

Common to add organic manure to improve soil structure and stimulate soil life.

Fertilising established vines Based on the assessments above Importance of balanced nutrition, in particular: Mg/K, N/K, Mn/Fe


11. Vineyard Floor Management

11.1. Introduction

The aim of vineyard floor management (VFM) is not just to control the weeds in the vineyard but to provide an ideal environment for root development and the vineyard's management.

Ideal Soil Condition Soil Management Technique
Loam texture -
Stable crumb structure Adding OM, lack of disturbance, VFM
Sufficient water Irrigation, improve structure, VFM
Good drainage and aeration Drainage, good structure, control soil compaction, VFM
High level of microbial and microbial activity Correct pH, add OM, reduce chemical ferts & herbicides, VFM
pH 6.5 – 7.5 Lime applications
Sufficient nutrients Fertiliser/FYM applications, VFM
Sufficient depth & volume VFM, drainage

11.2 The need for weed control

A weed is any unwanted plant in a cultivated area.

Calling a plant a weed is very subjective, e.g. blackberry is generally regarded as a weed, but in the USA, they can be encouraged, as they are the overwintering host of the Anagrus wasp that parasitises the grape leafhopper.

Disadvantages of weeds:

Advantages of ‘weeds’:

Important to understand wild plants:

The main weed control methods in vineyards are cultivation, ground cover, herbicides & mulching.

Need to know how to do it and the advantages and disadvantages.

11.3 Cultivation

Traditional method: ‘quatre façons’:

To preserve its structure, the soil must be cultivated as little as possible and never when wet. It is best to cultivate when vine roots are active (6 leaves apparent) to take up released nitrates.


11.5 Natural Vegetation

Well-suited to conditions, cheap and leads to greater biodiversity, but it can be difficult to manage and harbour pests.

Important to manage cover crop properly:

Note that some cover crops will not survive close mowing.

As crops get more mature, their biomass increases, and they become woodier, thus taking longer to break down when mown or incorporated into the soil.



Generally regarded as a quality method, and gaining in popularity for low density highly mechanised vineyards.

Good compromise could be to alternate rows of cover crop/cultivation, changing around every few years.

11.5 Chemical Weed Control

Also called minimal cultivation or no-till cultivation

Vines are one of the last crops to be grown with the aid of herbicides, as vines are very sensitive to weedkillers, and selective weedkillers are rare (often selectivity is only due to dose levels).

Herbicides are grouped according to their mode of action: – Pre-emergence (residual) – Contact – Systemic

11.5.1 Pre-emergence Herbicides

Poorly-soluble compounds become trapped in the upper layers of the soil. They are absorbed through the roots and inhibit photosynthesis in young seedlings. They are best applied before budburst on weed-free soils (weed-shadow effect). The higher the clay content of the soil, the less they are leached, and so the less risk there is to the vine.

They are slowly broken down by micro-organisms, but their effect can last several months. Prolonged use can cause problems in re-plantations.

Residuals approved in the UK include Isoxaben (FLEXIDOR) and propyzamide (KERB). Simazine used to be used, but there is now too much resistance to it, so its approval has been withdrawn.

11.5.2 Contact Herbicides

Also called ‘wilters’ or knockdown’. Absorbed through the green organs on which they land, stay localised, and destroy those parts.

The effect is only temporary in plants with well-established root systems, such as perennials. They are broken down in the soil almost immediately in some cases.

Contacts approved in the UK include:

11.5.3 Systemic Herbicides

Absorbed by the leaves (sometimes roots) and translocates in the sap (upward and downward systemy). Destroy the whole plant, usually by destroying the chlorophyll, preventing root growth and distorting growth.

Generally very slow acting.

Approved in the UK:

Do not use common hormonal herbicides such as MCPA & 2,4-D!

11.5.4 Herbicide Selection

Selecting the correct herbicide depends on: * The weeds you wish to control * The type of soil * The age of vines * Time of year

115.5 Herbicide Application

Usual programme: Get weeds well under control in the first few years by many applications, and then reduce numbers

Minimal cultivation is usually used over the whole vineyard surface in high-density plantations, but it is reserved for the under-row region in lower densities.

Advantages of using herbicides:


In conclusion:

11.6 Mulching

The spreading of matter onto the soil surface to suppress weeds (and ultimately provide a food source for the plant) by preventing light from reaching the young weeds.

Types of mulches: black polythene, straw, grass clippings, paper, tree bark, wood (not coniferous) chips, marc, timber milling, sugar refining & household waste.

‘Strategic’ mulching can be used to:

Optimal depth depends on the properties of mulch material and site characteristics: most compost mulches are used between 50 & 100 mm. Organic mulches need to be topped up each year.

Can be used in the alley or under the row.



11.7. Other Methods

11.7.1 Animals

Sheep, poultry, rabbits Trunks must be long enough & young plants protected Beware of pesticide poisoning

11.7.2 Flame Weeding

Either with a ‘flame-thrower’ (Atarus Ranger 3000) or a tractor-mounted heated stainless steel mesh with a blower unit.